Zenith replica Pilot Series China Limited Edition Watch, Interpretation of Gilt Colors

With the gradual increase in the purchasing power of Chinese consumers, the international status of the Chinese market is also getting higher and higher. Many brands have successively launched Chinese limited edition replica watches, which are full of Chinese characteristics and have profound cultural connotations. Zenith also launched a Chinese limited edition watch in October last year. Inspired by the cultural connotation of oriental colors. This watch takes the appearance design and practical functions of the Zenith PILOT pilot series to a new level.

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In our impression, the Zenith PILOT pilot series is tough, stylish and wild, but this Chinese limited edition watch retains the classic design of the series, but also carries the genetic genes of Chinese culture. Making it have A trace of Chinese introverted temperament, highlighting the oriental aesthetics. Zenith has launched many replica watches made of bronze, and the use of this material has long been consummate.

Unlike most bronze watches, it takes time to see the oxidation effect. Zenith has aged and blackened the case of this watch itself, with its own oxidation effect, which is full of retro feel. We can see that the watchmaker has engraved “HB-XXX” on its side. Which represents the Swiss aviation element, “HB” refers to the Swiss Civil Aviation Registration Number, and XXX is the watch serial number. The dial style is the biggest highlight of this watch. It uses gold that represents hope and light with a quiet and deep black. This is also the first time that gold has been used on the dial design of the PILOT pilot series, giving people a bright feeling. fake watches uk

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In addition to the basic three-hand, the designer did not equip this watch with other complicated functions. But made use of the dial space for many unique designs. The pattern of the disk surface is based on the grooves of the old-fashioned aircraft fuselage. Which makes it form a light and dark contrast effect and highlights the three-dimensional effect. If you appreciate it carefully, you will find that the dial has a lacquer effect. And there are a little particles on it, which adds a bit of texture to the watch. In addition, the dial has the words “PILOT EXTRA SPECIAL” at 6 o’clock.

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The onion crown on the side of the case must be familiar to everyone. This grooved design that resembles the appearance of an onion ensures that the pilot can accurately correct the time even when wearing heavy gloves. Turning over to the back, we can see the well-designed case back of the watch. The watchmaker engraved the historical icons and aircraft of Zenith replica on the case. And lined with spiral patterns, which is full of retro atmosphere. The movement of the watch is an ELITE self-winding movement. Which can provide the watch with a power reserve of about 50 hours after being fully wound, and is waterproof to a depth of 100 meters. The brand equips this watch with a brown leather strap with beige stitching. In keeping with the overall style of the watch.https://www.vipwatches.eu

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